Friday, 27 March 2015

Irritating things Ugandans do on social media.

Misuse of hash tags. This is the most common crime. Some have expertise in writing a full sentence complete with spaces which is just unacceptable.To some Ugandans, even a  sentence  with over  15 words  passes as a hash tag.

Lack of creativity. Recycle status updates of others. Some plagiarize with not respect to copyright. Even just indicating a post a stolen is sometimes not done.

Post the unthinkable to seek attention. Obviously some have low esteem issues.  Facebook is fountain of Flossing. For example  ’someone should pick me from the airport right now’, am inside the bank now’ ….blalblah . Recent selfie research suggested a mental problem for those who frequently post selfies of themselves.

They just like anything. Some people just misuse the like function on Facebook out of ignorance. They like death, sickness and other grief related posts.

Share Individual privacy messages publicly

A private message that should be sent as a Facebook message or direct message on Twitter is posted onto someone's wall or sent as tweet for all to see.

What irritates you on social media?  Please feel free to add to this list

PR & Organisational diagnosis specialist
Twitter: @mediasurgeon

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