Tuesday, 23 June 2015

PR insight: Capital shoppers’ alleged rotten margarine sale scandal

Capital shoppers Ntinda is in the media for the wrong reasons. A Uganda Baker Asha Batenga was shocked when she found out that the margarine she bought from them was rotten. The incident happened on May 25, 2015 at Capital Shoppers Ntinda branch. According to her media interviews, she was ignored after seeking help from management. Management allegedly said that it was the problem of supplier not them. As usual Uganda has a weak civil society. There has not been any statement from Uganda consumers Association and other regulatory authorities like KCCA and UNBS on the matter. Asha found rotten margarine when she visited the supermarket the second time. Asha has evidence of a receipt and rotten margarine.Asha alleged cyber bullying after posting about her experience. Asha has since lost her Facebook account to hacking after the post. It teaches us to try to frequently change passwords and invest in cyber security systems.

This is something that would have taken five minutes to resolve but continues to drag on from the month of May. This story started as a simple social media rant in May and dragged into to June when a local TV interviewed the unhappy customer. This is a case of poor customer care and reputation management. Why would Capital shoppers wait for a customer to have an opportunity to share her experience outside the supermarket premises?

The supermarket has not even responded to her fears. People in the service industry must always ensure that they get feedback and act on it before customers leave their premises. They say a stitch in time saves nine. Shifting blame is not damage control. Why would a supervisor at Capital shoppers refuse to exchange or refund her money? Capital Shoppers Ntinda is currently selling a batch of Marine margarine Fat at about Shs 61,000. Is shs 61,000 worth their reputation damage? Asking a customer to follow up with a product supplier is unrealistic and insensitive. Do customers have direct contracts with suppliers?

Power of the media. Media can break or make an organisation. In fact pictures were taken perhaps using a phone and soon they were on most media platforms including YouTube. Online communication or traditional media like newspapers can never be hidden. The rise of citizen journalism has made the situation get more attention.

Is this a case of bad customer service? Customer experience portrays the quality of staff. There seems to be lack of staff understanding and training in: Media relations, Crisis management, quality control, Media monitoring, Customer relations,and responsibility. Asha has a Capital reward card from the supermarket as a loyal customer. Capital shoppers Loyalty card customer system is under question then. If she is a loyal customer, why not treat her like one than tossing her around. Some people on social media have been pushing for a boycott against capital shoppers. The capital shoppers reward card has a slogan 'set to satisfy'. Their act was not in the same spirit obviously. Does Capital shoppers run customer care audits for their service levels? Audits look out for alertness of staff, service quality, and adherence to other acceptable customer standards. Audit results guide on possible course of action whether re-skilling, job rotation or punishment. Uganda companies must understand the difference between customer care and customer service.

Customers are taken for granted world over and this affects sales of businesses in question. The ABC of customer satisfaction starts with building effective customer care systems and thinking like a customer. Any action by staff has a trickle-down effect on the entire business operations. Patience and a positive attitude is the most important life skill for staff in the service industry today.

Asha has already expressed threats on her life. Capital shoppers needed to come out and clear its name on the matter. Every crisis requires that someone must be held accountable. Organisations must be seen to take some responsibility for the incident. Capital shoppers can go public about suspension of the staff who were on duty that day. This may help buy time and cool the pressure. The supermarket has not even bothered to communicate their quality control policies as a message of reassurance to existing and would- be customers. We are yet to get a statement from Mukwano that makes the Margarine.

There is no sorry in the service industry. You must get it right the first time and always. Customers will always be kings.

Disclaimer. This article strictly offers academic insight meant to create awareness about crisis PR management in Uganda. Therefore, it should be used for educational purposes and not viewed as an attack on institutions or individuals. The writer assumes no responsibility for contrary interpretation of the subject matter herein.

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Ivan .N.Baliboola

PR and organisational diagnosis specialist




Get into the habit of sending flowers

"You're only here for a short visit. Don't hurry, don't worry. And be sure to smell the flowers along the way" said Walter Hagen. It is common in Africa for someone to ask you why you had to send them flowers. Many people do not attach value to flowers. Some even ask you to send them the monetary equivalent of the said flowers next time. I must admit the thing about sending flowers is not purely an African but it is slowly growing.

Though the market is now flooded with plastic flowers, the scent and feel of natural flowers can never be replaced. The artificial flowers give off the feeling of taking people for granted. There is no particular season when not to send flowers.

People buy flowers for different reasons. Whether they are for a funeral, congratulations, loved ones, quick recovery, and decoration, flowers are mood changers. It is important that a lot of attention is paid on what types of flowers you want to send and who is receiving them.

They are particular flowers for different occasions. If you are sending them to someone then you may need to dictate on the choice of colours florists picks. You may have to blend in some red or pink if they are their favourite colours. Do you really want to find your flowers in a dust bin? It makes sense to send flowers to people you have at least know for some time .It communicates that you care and always think about them. It is easy to miss a stranger's taste in flowers.

Do not send flowers alone even if you are working with a shoestring budget. Slide in a written note and send along a gift. Gifts can include chocolate and other physical items. Remember you want to have a lasting impression on someone and the rest of the world. Wrapping must also be outstanding and not any wrapping paper should work. You may wrap them in one with birthday logos yet you are sending them on valentine.

If it was delivered at their workplace, it will help you mark your territory. If the bouquet of flowers was really big, they will have to explain to everyone they meet in the lift, Taxi Park or office. Do not forget, love is a good thing.

As I mentioned, flowers can be sent for different reasons at different times. Gauge the mood. Is it appropriate or not?  Ask yourself what packages of flowers are ideal? Decide whether they will be handheld, a bouquet, basket or just one stem.

It is advisable that you get someone else to deliver flowers on your behalf. Everyone wants to be surprised. Always get a florist to send than you delivering them if it is not for funeral .Give the florists the physical address details of your loved one. Take the initiative to keep track of the florists until they deliver. Wait for a thank you message from your loved one through text, phone call or social media. Flowers can change someone's crappy day and you will be the reason that happened. If someone knew the impact of flowers in relationships, they will have added florist on the list of their standing orders.







Why June is your month of achievement

June is a month of achievements and miracles. May was a month of the overturn. It marked the beginning of God's unlimited provision. God works in numbers. The blessed numbers of the month are: three, two and six. They symbolises victory and achievement. The bible says Jonah was in the belly of the big fish three days and Jesus was in the grave three days.

June(6) means hard work, love, marriage, relaxation, happiness, and achievement in the bible. God created the world in six days. It marks the completion of God's creation work task. Man is expected to ideally work for six days and rest. God rested on seventh day after creating man in his own image on the sixth day (Genesis 1:27, 31). It is message that we can do anything we want through Lord God. God commands us to achieve more with what he has given us.  Genesis 1:28, God commands us t be fruitful, multiply, replenish the earth and subdue it. Its God who completes humans and remains the only source of their strength. June will always be a month of miracles. Jesus' first miracle changed six pots of water to wine for the wedding event according to John 2:6-9. A wedding represents love as does the number six. Boaz gave Ruth six measures of barley symbolic of his love and protection (Ruth 3:15)?  This month if we want miracles to happen in our lives, we just need to pray and trust God.

June is the sixth month of the year. Six symbolizes human weakness and the existence of satanic powers According to the Bible book of revelation. Christians are likely to face temptation in June but they need to watch out.

 In order to be an achiever this month, take some time off this month to do a self mirror talk concerning your life. 2015 is already less by five months. It is a great time to reflect on your life physically, financially, mentally, and spiritually. It does not necessary mean you have to be in front of a mirror. You can decide to go before a wall. What matters is that it is you having a conversation with yourself alone. You need to figure out how you will handle the remaining seven months. You cannot handle the seven without critically reviewing how the five months have been. Ensure you have your updated goal and resolution list .There is no better way to push yourself   than talking and reminding yourself of your abilities. Keep a Victory and failure list you will review during the session. Make sure the environment has visible symbols of your success like trophies won, latest newspaper clip about you or certificates you have accumulated over time. Mirror conversation helps you visualise the world and things you want. You can act like your role model by highlighting three great qualities about them. Then present them as yours and give yourself a deadline to realistically have them. This private mirror talk helps you fake it till you make it.






Ettoffali: Crowd funding is a pillar of development.

Crowd funding is a method of raising project fund through joints effort of friends, family, public, and organisations primarily through media. From tapping into a wider investor pool to enjoying more flexible fundraising options, there are a number of benefits to crowd funding over traditional methods. Uganda has seen an increase in donation based Crowd funding. Donation based crowd funding does not involve financial returns to those who contribute to the fund. 

Crowd funding engages everyone to donate money towards particular projects that are in public interest. Instead of waiting for aid from abroad, Some Africans have decided to bring together communities with the little they have to cause change. Crowd funding has taken the world by storm especially with what it can achieve. The most successfully crowd funding case study in Uganda would be the "Ettoffaali" project by the Buganda Government. The "Ettoffaali" project has raised over shs7b since its inception from the public and orgnisations. Other Ugandan crowd funding projects are: 40 Days Over 40 Smiles, and Afri-aid( Project Bucket).

40 Days Over 40 Smiles is a foundation started by a Ugandan woman Esther Kalenzi who is passionate about positive change in society. It started in 2012, when Esther Kalenzi opened a Facebook page and asked her friends to donate anything they had during the Easter weekend. The donations were   delivered to two orphanages. The organisation relies on the use of social media as a platform for raising awareness and find solutions. 40 Days Over 40 Smiles  has so far raised over Ush 100million through social media and outdoor fun events. The foundation has impacted over 500 children.40 Days Over 40 Smiles is living proof that crowd funding works. Their model uses social media to fundraise and launch fundraising events.

Crowd funding requires impeccable leadership that is equipped with  advocacy  and lobbying skills. The leadership should not easily give up on their goals. As it is the case with any project, some people may be against the project. Sheik Nuuhu Muzaata attracted public outcry after criticizing the Buganda government fundraising project known as "Ettoffaali" He attacked the project for collecting money from the poor. The Sheik also attacked people who contribute to the "Ettoffaali" project yet they have other personal problems to deal with. Muzaata's statements come off as insult and a boycott call towards "Ettoffaali" project which made it a PR crisis. The Ettoffali tea did not suspend their activities.

As you come up with a project that requires crowd funding, you must have clear key result areas. This must involve intensive research on what is required and how it will be achieved. If it is a building to be constructed; make sure all the details of the plan and costs are well documented. These must then be made available to the public.

In all you calls for donations to a project, always ensure transparency, accountability, and consistency in everything that is done. If you are asking people to raise money towards a construction of a girls' dormitory, do not again abruptly change the call to buying an ambulance. Crowd funding participants are sceptical and always watching out for signs of fraud. Inconsistency and mistrust may be an eye opener about fraud in a given campaign may withhold their donations.


Transparency and accountability must be shown directly and indirectly. Some organisations run fundraising campaigns and use mobile money numbers registered under individual names not campaign names. The accountability example is the public tour by The Buganda premier Peter Mayiga to "Ettoffali" funded projects. The issue of giving receipts and accountability for each coin received should not be forgotten.

There are many projects that can be crowd funded for example surgeries, research, disaster relief, causes, better social service provision, and political campaigns among other things. Platforms that can be used in Uganda to collect money may include mobile money, sms platforms, bank accounts, physically collections, and other online payments.

Any project that is to be funded by crowd funding must have the emotional appeal to the public. For example "Ettoffaali" and 40 Days over 40 Smiles. Government funding is will always be a challenge for social services. Most   crowd funding projects do not make business case to be funded through the normal processes. Crowd funding projects must also be given specific time frames within which to run otherwise if they take long, people may lose faith. They may think their money was just mismanaged.

Ivan .N.Baliboola

PR and organizational diagnosis specialist








Get great looks, become a good kisser with Face yoga.

Face yoga will boost your beauty and health. According to Wikipedia, Yoga is an umbrella term which includes religion, philosophy, and practices. Yoga is an Indian physical, mental, and spiritual practice or discipline. Someone who practices yoga or follows the yoga philosophy with a high level of commitment is called a yogi. Face Yoga is a fusion of yoga-like body postures and facial exercises that improves your beauty and general well-being. It focuses on use of your face muscles in many ways to develop workout programmes. A face is made up of over 60 muscles. There are many benefits of doing face Yoga besides beauty. It's not only the face to benefit. The facial poses usually go with yoga body poses and also breathing strategies support a greater blood circulation in the body. The Yoga facial poses can include facial expressions, wagging your tongue, the surprised look, puffing your cheeks and the imitation as if you are kissing someone.

Save money with Face yoga. We are living in tough economic times hence the need to spend wisely. Face yoga does not even require you to spend your fortunes on gym membership, cosmetic surgery and beauty treatment creams. You may pay for yoga introduction classes till you are able to do it individually. It requires only a couple of minutes a day. It can be done anywhere at any time. Facial yoga can be done anywhere in traffic jam, an elevator, or on shopping spree.

 Face yoga makes you beautiful by helping to fix your skin. In fact, in many Asian cultures, neck exercises are beauty secrets believed to promote youthfulness. The belief is that by working out these muscles, you will reduce on skin   sagging and wrinkles. The stimulation in the face muscles will even result in a clear skin. Using Face yoga does not come with side effects. Face yoga is like the Non-surgical Natural facelift. Facial yoga can help slow the progression of aging. Botox cannot give you results in short period of time like face Yoga.

It helps with stress management. Stress affects beauty and mental capabilities of people. Facial yoga releases tension and fatigue that is normally around neck and face to maintain a relaxed look. In fact facial yoga is a form of exercise that improves blood circulation in the body and the inner meditation. Ten seconds of deep breathing and exhaling through your nose and mouth can do wonders. Facial yoga helps boost your Self esteem and confidence. Let's face it; face yoga creates time for you to think about your personal struggles. Confidence comes from the natural beauty. How you look translates to how feel about yourself. Breathing plays an important role in Face Yoga. In our daily life, we do not fully exhale the air in our lungs according to scientist. Face yoga gives you a chance to fully exhale to allow in flow in fresh oxygenated air. By focusing on your breath, you will 'refuel' both your mind and body.

Face yoga as an anti-aging tool. It could take off  four years off your face in just 5 minutes a day with   exercises  like squinting eyes, scalp  massage, Opening eyes as wide as possible for a minute, closing your eyes among other exercises as taught in Facial Yoga classes. Regular practice of Yoga has brought remarkable lifestyle changes over the years. Join yoga classes in your neighbourhood. The good news is that Yoga has something for everyone in all age groups. The benefits of yoga are endless .It's not something to ignore because it's a new trend. Give it a try, if it does not deliver, then drop it.


Ivan N Baliboola




Why you should have a mirror talk this month

Have a private life talk with your mirror this June.When was the last time you had a private mirror talk concerning your life? 2015 is already less by five months. You need to figure out how you will handle the remaining seven months. You can not handle the seven without critically reviewing how the five months have been. It's a great time to reflect on your life physically, financially, mentally, and spiritually. Before you start the talk, ensure you have your updated resolution list or a list of   life goals. List the challenges you have experienced in last five months looking at your contribution in the matter. Devise solutions to the identified challenges. Keep a Victory and failure list you will review during the session. Make sure the environment has visible symbols of your success like trophies won, latest newspaper clip about you or certificates you have accumulated over time.

It is a private mirror talk. It does not necessary mean you have to be in front of a mirror. You can decide to go before a wall. What matters is that it is you having a conversation with yourself  alone. Minimise distractions by Switching off your phone or keeping it in silence. It is advisable to switch off other electronic devices like radios and close the door behind you with a key.

This private talk helps you embark on a journey of  knowing yourself better. Self awareness means that you know your worth .Everything can be taken away from you but what you are can never be taken away. There are those things you know you can do even if you woke up in a foreign country? Simple things like what is your religion? Who created you? Or your family lineage defines who you are. The talk is like meditation. Scientists say that our true feelings and thoughts are communicated in the language of subconscious. It's more beneficial than standing in front of your mirror to take nude pictures. Talking to yourself silently or loudly can help organise your thoughts.

Document your talk. Write down your private mirror talk or use a recorder on your phone. This is a record of a dialogue with yourself you can refer to when you are stuck. Private mirror talk is positivity tool. It turns you into your own cheerleader to motivate yourself  to do better. Positive talk can include your life motto or quote to boost your confidence.  For example you could record or write this down "There is a reason I do what I do because no one can handle half of what I do" We all receive negative energy all the time even from our family members. There is no better way to push yourself   than talking and reminding yourself of your abilities.

Mirror talk can help with goal setting. It enables you to brainstorm steps you need to achieve things. You are able to focus more on how to handle challenges since the quiet environment improves your attention span. You may be able to get out of a difficult situation with this talk since you have enough time to set priorities. When the going gets rough, I always speak to myself words of solace to help me feel better. It can be a bible verse not necessarily a quote that relates with the struggle. A honest conversation helps you acknowledge your situation and develop the best coping abilities. Decide what is crucial and what you will not need.


Mirror conversation helps you visualise the world and things you want. You can act like your role model by highlighting three great qualities about them. Then present them as yours and give yourself a deadline to realistically have them. This private mirror talk helps you fake it till you make it. The bible asks us to decree anything and it shall come to pass in Job 22:28. The power is yours. State your case and write out the conditions regarding your finance, home, career, family, life, and all that concerns you. Appreciate yourself for whatever you have achieved and tell your buddy (yourself) in the mirror that you love them.





PR & Organisational diagnosis specialist
Twitter: @mediasurgeon




How to be a successful musician in Uganda

It is not the game as usual; even the prominent musicians feel the competition. The number of musician has more than tripled and more come up each day. There are copyright enforcement challenges in Uganda. Few take it seriously. It would be a lie to say that musician can target it as their only source of revenue.

Creativity matters in music. There are Ugandan musicians who have been one hit wonders and have since been forgotten. Creativity means writing great songs with new angles after studying the market. Obviously the creativity of Ugandans has also included copyright infringement. Some simply recycle Jamaican beats and presenting them as their own. Though dancehall is relatively marketable in Uganda, other song styles can still get a breakthrough.

Flood the market with more songs as a musician. There is no longer much focus on albums. Singles and duets have been behind the success of most upcoming musicians. For example King Saha show was predicted to flop because they thought he could not have a show on the same day with chameleon.He surprised many when he had a full house. Days before Chameleon and King Saha shows were held on the same day, Bebe cool went to Facebook and asked Ugandans to stop comparing them .Bebe cool's controversial statement went viral ,and soon he would eat his words. He seemed to imply that upcoming musicians are nothing. Gundeze show of King Saha filled up Freedom city beyond its capacity. Interestingly, both shows were well attended. Duets can market a musician and double their fan base. If two musicians come together for a duet, it is as if the song merges their fans. The more media appearance of a musician (video,news,radio),the more  concerts, brand endorsements offers and event gigs they are likely to get. The rush to release songs has its disadvantages. It explains the bubblegum music. People are rushing to put out demo songs even before they are mastered. A song is played for only two weeks and it is no longer on demand.

Celebrity Publicity stunts are taking musicians places. No bad publicity is bad. The common PR stunt has always been musicians fighting each other in the public. Today we seem to see musicians feature highly of on lists of leaked nude pictures and sextapes. Stunts can obviously also work against you. Publicity stunts always succeed because they are visual. Stunts are able to set the agenda of discussion and also keep the subject fresh in the media and minds of many. For example some musicians have made their wedding ceremonies dramatic just to attract media attention. Stunts are effective communications tools when used well but they require creativity, proper planning, and media management skills.  Controversy sells. A few unusual pictures of a musician may push their career to the next level if they go viral online. Everyone will want to check out their songs. A publicity stunt is just like turning tap water into a Tsunami. The event remains fresh in the minds of media professionals and the public. Stunts are effective communication tools when used well and useless time wasters when they are not. With publicity stunts, timing is a component of success.

Branding and communication is key because of the Ugandan crowded music industry. A musician must be transformed into a brand t stand out. This does not only include impeccable stage names, dress codes, and styles of music. The musician must be seen to show professionalism even when producing videos or audio songs. Branding will help any musician with target audience management locally and internationally. Branding also handles talent management.

Music in Uganda requires aggressive marketing. There are many media houses to target. Musicians'' marketing teams must also engage local movie translators to place their videos on movie DVDs they sale. Social media is a must have communication tool for musicians. Musicians have to keep in touch with their fans online and offline. Social media is better way to announce new releases.

Ivan .N.Baliboola









PR & Organisational diagnosis specialist
Twitter: @mediasurgeon




Parenting: 'Date your children’. They need your time.

Spending time with family especially children is increasingly becoming a challenge for parents today. Work and greed has robbed away this precious aspect in child development. In Uganda today, we even have baby care centres that operate 24/7. Today children seem to be a burden even to biological parents. There are many horror media reports about children being neglected by their parents.

There is this Africa notion that it takes a community to raise a child but raising children without regrets is a responsibility of individual parents. You do not have to be a biological parent to spend time with adopted children. What would explain a parent dropping a child in a 24/7 day care facility? Is it laziness or tight work schedules?

"Parents need to fill a child's bucket of self-esteem so high that the rest of the world can't poke enough holes to drain it dry," says Alvin Price. Find an excuse as a parent to 'date' (spend more time with) your children. As a couple you could split dating tasks according to gender. The father can go out with the girl while the Mother goes out with the boy. It may not require a lot of money. This helps a lot with self esteem building. Just imagine a father who tells his daughter that she is beautiful and he loves her.A man may try to play the esteem card lie on her successfully. She is likely to respond like "I know am beautiful because my dad tells me so; what exactly do you want from me." Dad may help with the assertive spirit.

One reason that fathers have such an influential role is because they tend to challenge their children to try new experiences. A dad's involvement in his daughter's life is a crucial aspect  in the development of a young woman's self-esteem according to a book 'Fatherhood - Philosophy for Everyone: The Dao of Daddy' written  by Fritz Allhoff (Series Editor), Lon Nease (Editor),  and Michael W. Austin (Editor) .The same book also shows how a father's influence in his daughter's life shapes her self-esteem, self-image, confidence and opinions of men.

Spending time together also helps with bonding. The world has changed to the level that some children see their parents once a month. The parent figure has been replaced with house maids, boarding schools, day-care centres, and wealth. Why should a parent be a stranger to their own children? Bonding helps parents relate better as a family. Bonding makes it easier for children not to grow in fear of their parents. They look at parents like approachable friends with whom they can share with their challenges. This does not mean that children stop respecting you. The family walk alone may help make children open up about personal issues Parents may not be aware of since you are now friends.

Parents must show love and care to their children every day. This is possible only if specific time is put aside by parents for that. Acts speak louder than words. Commit to hug and peck them for hug and kiss at least every day. If children do not get love at home, they may get other versions of it elsewhere. Telling someone that you love them means a lot than you can imagine. Take some time off to spoil your children. There are lots of activities you can do with your children like going to the movies, gyms, evening walks, shopping, and dinner.

 It is truly disturbing for a parent to be jailed for failing to take care of their own children. Atleaset commit to help your children do their homework or share a meal together. It is no longer common to find women who would give up their career plans to sit down and raise children. More time with children ensures that you impart in them the right morals, values and beliefs. They say charity begins at home. Most life skills and etiquettes are learnt at home. You do not expect the children to learn manners from someone else. Some of the maids are after their pay not necessarily the future of your children. Who does not want a close moment with loved ones? Kids who feel strongly connected to their parents cooperate willingly. Once in a while do what they want. David Bly once said that your children will become what you are; so be what you want them to be.


Ivan N Baliboola




PR & Organisational diagnosis specialist
Twitter: @mediasurgeon




PR insight: What a company may do when nude pictures of staff leak

Should a company sack its employee over leaked nude pictures? There is a current public debate on whether companies should fire their employees over leaked nude pictures and videos or not. In the last two years, the Ugandan public has witnessed an increase in leaked sextapes and nude pictures. This has caused public outcry and intervention of the Ethics Minister. Though celebrities have ranked highly on the list of victims. Today the list of dissemination channels for such content has grown to add social media platforms .Online content can never be erased. A damaged organisation reputation may result in legal issues, regulation penalties and disrupt general business operations. Companies invest a lot in reputation management. Some develop pre-employment contracts on reputation protection. Some companies dictate on specific employee dress codes and types of cars their drive.

On the notion that an employee's nude pictures disrupt company operations should be taken with a pinch of salt. Leaked nude pictures and videos may affect the reputation of a brand reputation positively or negatively. Sacking an employee may prolong the crisis and leave lasting company reputation damage. Companies do not need to overeat but get the facts right. Are the pictures are authentic.

Leaked nude picture crises must be handled on a case by case basis. A universal approach to all nude picture crises is wrong. You can not act the same way when police and local authorities have picked interest in the matter.

Sacking must be a last resort. We are living in a world that enjoys a blame game and as such a company must be seen to take action against an employee. So why lose a talented employee over a non issue yet you can send them on forced leave, task them to apologise publicly or suspension them as you buy time for the crisis to end. Leaked nude pictures and sextapes crises come with a valued resource of enormous media attention which you should not just throw away. Simply use the crisis as publicity stunt to launch new product or service.

Sacking sometimes damages the organisation reputation if the process is poorly handled. The employer maybe within their right to fire an employee who goes against their interests. but how it is done may be disastrous. Should a company abandon a staff at a trying time? Ignoring the crisis sometimes works just fine. An Organisations   can do nothing and the crisis have comes to pass. Sacking could give the scandal unnecessary attention. It is now David(employee) against Goliath (organisation).Pressure groups and activists may start petitions against your brand. The sacked staff can play the victim card and win sympathy from the public. What if a boycott is declared on your brand? Is the company willing to face that?

Organisation management must involve HR, PR and legal departments as they handle leaked nude pictures and video crises involving their staff. Companies must critically think through their reaction strategy. Decision to sack must be guided by the nature of the brand the employee works for. What message would a medical officer, teacher or kids programme host be sending out with their nude pictures if they work with known family brands in health, Media, education, and religious foundations. How do you leave a married staff member who appeared in sextapes not with her husband to continue hosting a wedding TV show? Your company may indirectly be seen to endorse adultery on a marriage show which is wrong. Sacking may be the answer. Public relations helps create maintain and protect the company reputation. Studies have shown that consumers often base their purchase decisions on a company's reputation, so public relations can have a definite impact on revenue.

Ivan N Baliboola.

PR & Organisational diagnosis specialist









PR & Organisational diagnosis specialist
Twitter: @mediasurgeon




PR officers are not company witch doctors.

Companies should stop treating PR practitioners as though they are witchdoctors. They went to school to be professionals not magicians. PR is a management support function.PR practitioners need support from all departments and service providers to do their work. As such organisations must exercise division of labour. PR tasks are based on strategic planning.PR return on investment is long-term and as such there should be less expectation on  instant fixes.PR is one of the relatively young professions as opposed to law but that does not mean their job descriptions are revised without a logic.

Why flood PR departments with all the company tasks.PR should be treated like a highly specialised strategic profession. Highly specialised and do not need a dozen of titles like witch doctors.PR professionals are not client relationship managers, smiling machines, art directors, and media tea girls.

Of recent organisations seem to be in habit of offloading any role to PR practitioners all in the name of cost cutting which is unacceptable. Some Ugandan Organisations are moving away from hiring third party outsourced agencies that boost PR work. Damage from such a risk may actually cost more to the organisation in question. Why would graphic design be a core task of a PR officer? They may be communicators but not art directors.  A PR agency is not an alternative to the in-house PR team but more capacity. Sometimes in-house PR teams may be tied down to company politics and the agency proves handy. Advertising or media monitoring agencies do not have the same deliverables like the internal PR teams. The in-house PR team shocking on company politics may not individually make company documentaries, speak for the organisation, monitor media, write, manage events, do marketing, do customer care, and design graphics.

Some companies treat their PR teams as people who are simply paid to spend company revenue. Company PR teams should not be looked at people who drain company resources. African witch doctors are known to love asking for lots money from their clients whether they are healed or not. PR spending results can be assessed. Today some companies present their reputation and media coverage in a part of their balance sheet or due diligence. It is high time companies get in the habit of appreciating PR return on investment known measurements.

PROs are not witchdoctors who treat all diseases. They are earth beings who work with available resources and whatever is humanly possible. The wrong company operating models and inefficiency of the organisations causing service issues may not  be washed away by one media cover-up  response from PR. PR will obviously be the ear to the organisation.PR will counsel but will not stop inefficiency if management does not  get involved. PROs are not fix it all experts. Spin can no longer survive today.

Some organisations fear to meaningfully engage PR teams as though are witches. This is sometimes as a result of ignorance about the roles of PR. They only involve PR at the last minute. Organisations must allow their PR teams to orient new staff on PR roles.Some tasks are just supervisory to PR


The roles of PR practitioners continue to significantly evolve world over but being witch doctors will not be part of them. Before PR practitioners did not execute social media assignments because it was not there. Even if it is a new addition, it fits in the traditional PR role of Communication and marketing. Fundamental tasks of PROs are: reputation management, media relations, communication, counsel management, research, advocacy and lobbying, event management, advertising, employee relations, branding, marketing, organisational diagnosis and content development, sales, and customer service. PR is not about the looks as it is with witch doctors. You can not measure PR by the number of times smiles, roles and job titles.


Ivan N Baliboola.

PR & Organisational diagnosis specialist






Amama video: Here is how he scored on effective online communication

Honourable Amama Mbabazi literally froze the internet after he declared his intention to stand as a presidential candidate in the 2016 general elections.  The YouTube video on Monday June 15, 2015 offers many lessons in effective online communication.

The video scored highly on content development. The message was well thought out. The video message does not pass off as a village quarrel but an intellectual debate. Big media houses no longer control the agenda of public debates. It is content development that matters. He chose a conversational and engaging approach. He says "I greet you wherever you are" and "I come to you". You need to exploit all news angles not making noise. Noise means same angle is published by many journalists.

Timing was perfect. There is something magical about Monday. Most Ugandan viral nude pictures and videos always hit on weekends through Monday. Video was released at the start of a new week in the early hours. The world now operates on   24/7 news cycle because of the internet. It was a time the public was still internalising the National budget and the President was away in South Africa attending an AU summit.

Using YouTube was a great tool of effective communication to Ugandans.  Internet gives anyone an opportunity to tell it all because of citizen journalism. You can have all the space without limitations.  Social media mobilises all voters because uptake cuts across all age groups. Social media was crucial to Obama's victory in 2008. Amama has an active website and social media platforms.

Online political PR dictates that participation is simple.#Amama16  did set the stage for political  hashtags.His slogan "Go forward" was on spot. The memorable slogan encourages conversations. Online media is not one-sided like traditional media. Mobile phone penetration in the country continues to increase with internet usage not only among the rich. Sports betting may explain the presence of smart phones among Uganda's Boda boda Community. World Bank 2013 report said only 16.2% of Uganda's population use the internet. Social media has its ability to get anyone famous overnight. Justin Bieber is one such success stories of YouTube.

There was attention to detail in the video. The perfection in branding and video portrays Amama as a competent person. It would be a different debate if the video was not clear. The Concept of a flying crane and slogan 'Go forward' is commendable. The black flying crested crane is as symbol of change. The AMAMA team also branded items like mathematical sets and exercise books. The green plant in the background of the video brings out environmental activism and calmness.

His outstanding seductive PR skills has enabled him do a teaser campaign of sorts that has always kept people waiting for months since he was dropped from cabinet. The tactic of releasing information in bits should be commended. It keeps you a head of competition. He has always said "I will tell you when I tell you." Releasing less information helps assess feedback. Third party endorsements have worked for him. Other people have been communicating his presidential bid as he is silent. Amama seemed not pressured to say more than what was necessary on the morning he released the video before a swarm of journalists. He simply asked the media to take time off to internalise the video and wait for a press conference in the future. This was a wrong move.

Amama's message in its entirety was full of PR aspects of strategy, media relations, research, partnerships, events, branding, CSR, and crisis management. Digital PR is about emotions, hype and persuasion. Always remember that political communication requires both tender and loud channels of delivery. He chose the tender tactic. Amama message was effective since top NRM officials rushed to respond. It continues to be a hot topic of discussion on social media, TV, radio and in newspapers.

Ivan N Baliboola

PR and organizational diagnosis specialist


Twitter:@media surgeon


Sunday, 21 June 2015

PR insight: When a company should sack its employee over leaked nude pictures.

How should a company treat its employee whose nude pictures have been leaked? Of recent Ugandan media is a washed with the debate of whether companies should fire their employees over leaked nude pictures and videos or not. In the last two years, the Ugandan public has witnessed an increase in leaked sextapes and nude pictures that have gone viral. Though celebrities have ranked highly on the list of victims, university students have not been spared. Today the list of dissemination channels of such content has grown to add social media platforms of Facebook and whatsapp.Online content can never be erased.

A damaged organisation reputation may bring up legal concerns, regulation penalties and disrupt general business operations. Companies invest a lot in reputation building and management. Some develop pre-employment contracts on reputation protection. In some organisations there is even a budget to cater for presentable employee dress code. There are those Companies that dictate a specific presentable employee dress codes or types of car to drive especially to the field. The last time I checked, anything can be a crisis on social media including a reckless company driver.

The notion that an employee's nude pictures disrupt company operations should be taken with a pinch of salt. Leaked nude pictures and videos can affect the reputation of a brand reputation positively or negatively. The response to a crisis of staff leaked pictures must be addressed on a case by case basis. Reaction of an organisation should be informed on the available information at the time. Sacking an employee may prolong the crisis and leave a lasting company reputation damage. Companies do not need to overreact but study the situation to get their facts right. We are in world of advanced technology that can be used to malice others. Are you sure the pictures are authentic? A universal approach may be disastrous to the organisation reputation than the staff involved. You are not likely to act the same way when police and local authorities have picked interest in the matter. As company you must be seen to cooperate with authorities than distancing yourself by sacking the staff.

Sacking is justified in some cases but it should be a last resort. Sometimes a statement from company can calm the crisis. We are living in a world that enjoys a blame game and as such companies must be seen to take some form of action against an employee. So why lose a talented employee over a non-issue yet you can send them on forced leave, ask them to do a public apology, suspension as you buy time for the crisis to end. Social critics want to witness someone taking responsibility but it should not come at a cost of your best employee. We all make mistakes.UCU did not expel students in the sextape but counselled them and condemned the act. Their reputation as a Christian institution was not in question after forgiving them .That was being a brother's keeper.

Leaked nude pictures and sextapes crises come with a valued resource of enormous media attention which you should not just throw away as a company. This is a free advertising opportunity. Companies can use the crisis as a publicity stunt to launch new products and services. Nude pictures have helped boost some music careers of people.

The Employer maybe within their right to fire an employee who goes against their interests but how it is done may cause problems. Handling of the sacking process is important. Should a company be seen by public to have abandoned staff at a trying time? Do you fire an employee on phone, text or in their absence? What if that inspires concerned staff to commit suicide? Would it not have been better to offer them counselling services or delay the sacking till they recover? A disgruntled employee is worse than a company competitor. This fired person may ruin the company reputation as a way of getting back.

Ignoring the crisis sometimes works just fine. Many organisations simply do not need to do anything and crises come to pass. Sacking could give the crisis unnecessary attention. It is always David(staff) against Goliath (big brand). Pressure groups, labour unions and activists may start petitions against your brand. The sacked staff can play the victim card to win sympathy from the court of public opinion. This may translate into a boycott of your brand.  Is the company willing to face that?

Organisation management must involve HR, PR and legal departments as they handle staff leaked nude pictures and video crises involving. Companies must critically think through their reaction strategy. Decision to sack must be guided by the nature of the brand the employee works for. What message would a medical officer, teacher or kids programme host is send out with their nude pictures if they work with known family brands in health, Media, education, and religious foundations? How do you leave a married staff member appearing in sextape not with her husband to continue hosting a wedding show? It is if your company is endorsing adultery on a marriage show.Public relations helps create maintain and protect the organization's reputation. Studies have shown that consumers often base their purchase decisions on a company's reputation, so public relations can have a definite impact on sales and revenue

Ivan N Baliboola.

PR & Organisational diagnosis specialist







Sunday, 7 June 2015

Movie review-Blow

Movie review-Blow
This is a true life crime drama about a drug smuggler George Jung who starts an illegal trade venture between Columbia and California. Johnny Depp is depicts this drug smuggler who is raised in a poor family. His first girlfriend suddenly gets cancer and dies. He even jumps bail to be with this girlfriend.
He gets another woman and they have a lovely daughter. His drug dealings stress his parents especially the mother. In one of the scenes, His Mum tips off the police when he comes to visit them. He is arrested on some occasions but escapes with lighter or no sentences.
Soon Jung loses everything as the bank he was saving in was nationalised. The wife leaves him and gets custody of the daughter after he is broke. He is tempted to go back to resume his illegal drugs trade but he is busted. This time he is in jail for a long time though he thought it would be his breakthrough to impress his daughter. The movie has a comedy theme as it is with most Johnny Depp movies.
.Reviewed by Ivan Baliboola