Tuesday, 7 April 2015

Fake it till you make it.

Fake it till you make it.

Fake it till you get it. Decree and it shall happen. (Job 22:28). What you decide on will be done, and light will shine on your ways .The power is yours. State your case and write out the conditions regarding your finance, home, career, family, life, and all that concern you. Darkness does not mix with light. Speak the solution not the problem.

Get serious with life. God lost his only son and Jewish carpenter just for you to be happy. If no radio has invited you, invite yourself. Sing in front of your mirror. Sometimes you face rejection and failure because you are not ready. Do not give up but practice. Building a house starts with reading real estate literature. You will succeed in whatever you choose to do, and light will shine on the road ahead of you.

Men please do not leave faking to women alone.

If this post did not make sense to you then it was not meant for you.

Ivan N Baliboola





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