Christians must be involved in politics.
They say man is a political animal. Scripture gives Christian’s instructions to obey legitimate authority unless it contradicts the Lord’s teachings. Church leaders are supposed to be advisors to politicalians.Church leaders should however not show their political affiliations publicly. Today politics has been branded as a dirty game meaning that moral matters do not matter in politics. Politics especially in developing countries is characterized by election rigging, lies, corruption, tribalism, segregations and oppression of opponents. The church should participate in politics to make it clean.
When the state fails to promote the common good of the people, the church must come in to condemn such acts to enable better standards of people. Church leaders and Christians must reject unfairness because it is contrary to God’s will.
The church should be concerned with the welfare of the people therefore it should participate in politics so as to foster love, honesty and peace. Church can offer social services to supplement government. Some Churches are running education and health facilities.
The church is supposed to suppress evils like theft, corruption, and bribery. The church members should be involved in the constitutional making so that good and favourable laws are made for the people
The church has got a role of praying for the political leaders and situation so they fulfill God’s wiil.The church should participate in politics by praying for their country. God can forgive the sins of the country and bless it according to 2 chronicles 7: 14.
The church is supposed to keep brotherly relationships with everyone. By participating in politics, t it can ensure that unity is achieved. The Church should participate in state affairs so as to serve fellow citizens and if the Christian serves with diligence then they are serving God.
However Christians should not participate in politics if politics of the country involves evils. The church should not participate in politics of the state if they promote hatred.
The Church should not participate in politics if the political activities do not leave for him or her time for praying and participating in other church activities.
Christians must participate in the democratic process. Christians should always turn up in big numbers to vote. because elected leaders can impact on religion. Voting should be viewed as a spiritual matter and civic duty according Matthew 22:21. There are worse issues that affect Christians not limited to only church demolitions, poor social service delivery and unchristian legislations. Each vote is crucial and important. It can determine the outcome of an election or mean the difference between life and death. For example one vote elected Thomas Jefferson President of the US in 1800.God’s people should not leave the choosing of leaders to others. God is most certainly in control, but Christians can ensure politics is clean by voting out bad leaders. Christians can vote out social evils of corruption, moral degeneration and violence. Church leaders should encourage their followers to register to vote. The Church has never declared voting to be a sin and why should a Christian stay away from election decisions. In fact the bible says all leadership comes from God. According to Romans 13:1-7, obeying God is very important and no authority exists without God’s will. God ordains governments.
Twitter: @mediasurgeon
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