Tuesday, 28 April 2015

How to start a conversation with a stranger in a taxi.

Have you ever used public transport and you failed to talk to a stranger you were dying to at least smile with?

Follow these steps

1.      Be nice and approachable. Make sure you greet people seated next to you.

2.       Pretend you do not know where you are going and ask him/her for guidance. This will surely start a conversation.

3.      Open the window wide open and wait for them to ask you to close it. This will work best on cold days.

4.      Sit next to a closed windscreen or close a windscreen. She/him will ask you to open and you can start talking all the nonsense.

5.      Flirt and maintain eye contact with him/her till they talk.

6.      Ask them about what they like or what they are doing at the moment? You can then discuss novels, movies or politics depending on what they are passionate about.

7.      Intentionally   drop money to attract attention. Coins are the best option.



PR & organisational diagnosis specialist






PR & Organisational diagnosis specialist
Twitter: @mediasurgeon




EC fails Ugandans on the electoral process

EC fails Ugandans on  the electoral process

A voter register can determine whether a country will have free and fair elections or not. EC abandoned the National Voters’ Register used during 2010-2011 General Elections. Ugandans that were registered for the elections prior to the 2010/ 2011 General Elections and did not register during the National Identification Card registration are be required to register again to vote.

The rushed voter register update exercise that ends on April 30, 2015 cannot guarantee effective citizen mobilisation, civic education, full participation, and awareness. Rushed electoral process by EC faults on free and fair election culture No wonder the numbers have been low as reported by the Media. EC has already promised not to have any extension but one month is unrealistic. Many Ugandans are likely to be left out.

Current Voter update exercise is intended to be inclusive for all but that this is far from reality. The current Voter register exercise fails to relate fully with our modern mobile society. There are many barriers to the electoral process Ugandans are facing.EC failed to make it convenient enough for every Ugandan citizen of eighteen years and above to participate in the electoral process. Why didn’t Uganda Electoral Commission make it easier for anyone to register or verify their details anywhere? Some eligible voters cannot foot their transport bills to access voter register update centres before the deadline. People are always on the move and must have an opportunity to change their polling station or verify their results online. Technology is supposed to ease work and not leave anyone out. Online voter registration will surely not leave out those in the diaspora.In the wake of 2016 Uganda General elections; we need basic national steps to manage big numbers and additional elective position. Modernisation may reduce error and double voter numbers if only voter registration and voter verification is extended or also put online. Uganda Electoral Commission recently communicated that a national Identity card does not guarantee you any voting rights unless you are on the National voters’ register.

EC has failed to fully act on Voter register update exercise challenges .There have been allegations in the media that some update officials are asking for money from applicants in order to register them. Condemnation of such illegal acts of Extortion by Update Officials in press statements by EC is not enough.EC has not even doubled publicity on the matter with posters or banners at registration centres to emphasize that the process is free. The timing of the voter register update was wrong. It comes at a time when some electoral reforms are yet to be implemented. This may have demoralised some citizens and impacted on the numbers.

Information on Voter register update procedures is still scare despite involvement of even the civil society.EC has not effectively provided the public with clear instructions on how to register to vote and what documents are required, and how to verify their details successfully. EC should develop and publicize a plan to address shortcomings of the Electoral process.

EC should explain in future the relationship between the different registers it will have produced with clear detailed explanations of how each voter register was compiled. Ugandans must exercise their right to vote, but government should do its part by removing all obstacles. EC can explore the option of allowing same day voter registration to help enrol the busy working class Ugandans. NO eligible Ugandan voter should lose their right to vote because of errors or omissions on the register. The Citizens’ Coalition for Electoral Democracy in Uganda (CCEDU) support to the electoral process is commendable. is a broad civil society coalition

Ivan N Baliboola



PR & Organisational diagnosis specialist
Twitter: @mediasurgeon




Christians must be involved in politics.

Christians must be involved in politics.

They say man is a political animal. Scripture gives Christian’s instructions to obey legitimate authority unless it contradicts the Lord’s teachings. Church leaders are supposed to be advisors to politicalians.Church leaders should however not show their political affiliations publicly. Today politics has been branded as a dirty game meaning that moral matters do not matter in politics. Politics especially in developing countries is characterized by election rigging, lies, corruption, tribalism, segregations and oppression of opponents. The church should participate in politics to make it clean.

When the state fails to promote the common good of the people, the church must come in to condemn such acts to enable better standards of people. Church leaders and Christians must reject unfairness because it is contrary to God’s will.

 The church should be concerned with the welfare of the people therefore it should participate in politics so as to foster love, honesty and peace. Church can offer social services to supplement government. Some Churches are running education and health facilities.

The church is supposed to suppress evils like theft, corruption, and bribery. The church members should be involved in the constitutional making so that good and favourable laws are made for the people

The church has got a role of praying for the political leaders and situation so they fulfill God’s wiil.The church should participate in politics by praying for their country. God can forgive the sins of the country and bless it according to 2 chronicles 7: 14.

The church is supposed to keep brotherly relationships with everyone. By participating in politics, t it can ensure that unity is achieved. The Church should participate in state affairs so as to serve fellow citizens and if the Christian serves with diligence then they are serving God.

However Christians should not participate in politics if politics of the country involves evils. The church should not participate in politics of the state if they promote hatred.

The Church should not participate in politics if the political activities do not leave for him or her time for praying and participating in other church activities.

Christians must participate in the democratic process. Christians should always turn up in big numbers to vote. because elected leaders can impact on religion. Voting should be viewed as a spiritual matter and civic duty according Matthew 22:21. There are worse issues that affect Christians not limited to only church demolitions, poor social service delivery and unchristian legislations. Each vote is crucial and important. It can determine the outcome of an election or mean the difference between life and death. For example one vote elected Thomas Jefferson President of the US in 1800.God’s people should not leave the choosing of leaders to others. God is most certainly in control, but Christians can ensure politics is clean by voting out bad leaders. Christians can vote out social evils of corruption, moral degeneration and violence. Church leaders should encourage their followers to register to vote. The Church has never declared voting to be a sin and why should a Christian stay away from election decisions. In fact the bible says all leadership comes from God. According to Romans 13:1-7, obeying God is very important and no authority exists without God’s will. God ordains governments.







PR & Organisational diagnosis specialist
Twitter: @mediasurgeon




Ivan's Top trending Movies episode 4 April 24, 2015



As usual I count down the latest and classic movies of the week every Friday.


Ivan's Top trending Movies episode 4 April  24, 2015


1.  Paul Blart:mall cop2

Action comedy.it has a scene  where he practically fights  with a crested crane.


2.Monkey kingdom

   An amazing documentary from Disney nature on monkeys.You will be surprised to    see Monkey swim



Amazing horror  portrayal of online social communities .


4. Furious 7(fast& furious).


5.  last knights ft Morgafreeman


6.  Get hard-ActionComedy ft Kevin Hart


7.  Home-Great Animation ft Rihana and Jennifer lopez voices.


8. The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel-Great one with Bollywood touch


9.Longest  ride




Classic movies of all time countdown

1.  Madea's big party

2.Cast  away

3.John Tucker must die.

4.People I know

5.Smokey and the bandit 2

6.Ghost busters

7.DC cab

8.The invention of lying

9.Bad teacher

10.Lake Placid 1&2

10.Joy ride 2








PR & Organisational diagnosis specialist
Twitter: @mediasurgeon




How to propose to her

Best   ideas on how and where to propose to her.

Marriage is a good thing and love does not suck. Proposing to someone to be your fiancé needs preparation so it is memorable. Every idea must carry an element of surprise, excitement and uniqueness. It is important to Test the waters   for signs that someone is interested in you before you start planning to propose.

Below are some ideas

Engagement party. You can organise a party for friends and relatives to witness the moment as you propose. Test the waters before you make your final decision. You may be in love with the wrong person or someone may not be interested. Take your time. You can propose on special days like Valentine, birthdays, Christmas and Easter.

Deliver the ring inside bread on her birthday .Choose the best ring .It’s important to take into consideration the mineral of preference to her. Does she prefer gold or silver? Make sure   it’s right   size.Donot graduate as loser man when ring is either too big or too small.

Propose privately. This can also be done through social media, email, and phone call or at home. This also can be surprising and exciting. The beauty with this is that if she says no, it’s not that embarrassing as it’s only the two of you. Propose after a milestone like after she leaves her hospital bed. It is about utilising the moment. Remember girls never forget.

Propose publicly in front of strangers. You can also propose publicly in the Taxi Park, traffic jam, supermarket, Restaurant, company meetings and bars. You can also deliver the message to her publicly on an aerial drone or plane.  A public place is good because it’s much difficult for her to say no.

Write a love letter proposing to her in a local newspaper. You can also call in to a late night radio show and propose. A Local newspaper in Uganda did carry a letter of a man proposing and the lucky lady also said yes in the same newspaper.





PR & Organisational diagnosis specialist
Twitter: @mediasurgeon




Tuesday, 7 April 2015

Top six Ugandan PR crises that rocked March 2015

1.      Ugandan Parliament shocks on poor media relations.

Parliament drowned in negative publicity after issuing a hostile media relations letter. The Clerk to Parliament on March 9, 2015 sent out a letter to newsrooms, ordering the replacement of all journalists who had covered Parliament for five years and more. The letter was sketchy on the justification for the act.  

Parliament team took long to end the crisis. Withdrawing the letter alone was not enough since suspicion and dishonesty was not dealt with. The act was condemned by some MPs, the general public, and the Uganda Parliamentary Press Association .No wonder Parliament authorities yielded to pressure and reversed the decision. Parliament Deputy Speaker Jacob Oulanyah should be credited for managing the crisis. Organisations should learn to support, build and maintain mutually beneficial relationships with journalists. Media can break or build an organisation. Journalists are reputation management angels. Journalists expect a love and hate treatment but an organisation must ensure a strictly love relationship with the media.

2.      UCC fines MTN Uganda for breach of directive.

MTN Uganda was in media for wrong reasons this month. The Uganda communications commission slapped MTN Uganda with a Shs5billion fine for alleged breach of the commission’s directives.

3.       Crest foam fire accident kills 6

Fire gutted Crest foam factory and left six workers dead. This huge PR crisis dominated headlines. Crises happen all the time but this raised questions on occupational health and safety record of the company. A  Minister and police have since picked interest.

4.      Local musician Stecia Mayanja's controversial wedding.

 A day before her wedding, close family members announced that it was called off. The wedding went on as earlier planned sparking controversies. This alleged PR stunt reaped benefits, as her wedding became a topic of discussion. She apologized and her husband declared his political ambitions during the wedding reception.

5.      Uchumi  supermarket  food section closed  by KCCA

KCCA closed food section of Uchumi supermarket over poor hygiene. The food section at Garden city was closed on Friday March 14,2015 .This  followed an inspection by KCCA public health team at time Kampala is battling a typhoid outbreak.

6.      Muzaata remarks on “Ettoffaali” anger many.

Sheik Nuuhu Muzaata attracted public outcry after criticizing the Buganda government fundraising project known as “Ettoffaali” in the past. The Sheik also attacked people who contribute to the “Ettoffaali” project yet they have other personal problems to deal with. Muzaata’s statements come off as insult and a boycott call towards “Ettoffaali” project which makes it a PR crisis. This crisis went viral online under the hash tag #Muzaata.Sheik Muzaata could have done better. His main mistake was being insensitive and trading insults. Local celebrities, politicians, public, and religious leaders have condemned Sheik Muzaata over his act. The backlash shows that he needs to hire a PR specialist to manage this crisis and future communication projects successfully. Sheik Muzaata should start treating himself as a brand.

Sheik failed to understand the Psychology of the topic he was talking about. Preparation of public messages must be done in consultation with communication technicians to ensure content is acceptable and effective. The crisis teaches us on how to say what is politically correct and what is not right. A public apology or clarity on his remarks could calm waters. A PR Specialist will help him with media coaching, reputation damage assessing, and developing effective PR strategies.

Ivan .N.Baliboola

PR and organisational diagnosis specialist





This article strictly offers academic insight meant to create awareness about crisis PR management in Uganda. Therefore, it should be used for educational purposes and not viewed as an attack on institutions or individuals. The writer assumes no responsibility for contrary interpretation of the subject matter herein.



'Boda boda' cyclists still pose security and road safety threats.

Boda Boda’ cyclists are good at moving around in heavy traffic jam and accessing hard—to- reach areas by public means. It is a fact that ‘Boda Bodas’ are a necessary form of transport but we need some controls. Of recent there have been murders committed by people moving on ‘Boda bodas’ according to the Uganda police. We continue to see an increase in traffic accidents involving ‘boda boda’ cyclists. Just one accident involving ‘boda boda’ cyclists can paralyze road traffic for hours. ‘Boda bodas’ are able to mobilise themselves to attack or chase a car involved in the accident.
The number of commercial ‘Boda boda’ cyclists has steadily grown hence an increase in challenges. Banning ‘Boda bodas’ would worsen the unemployment problem in the country because it has become a profitable business venture.
There is need for urgent regulation of all ‘boda boda’operations. There must be specific numbers and colours assigned to them by different district authorities. These colours and numbers must be visible enough on all helmets, reflective jackets and motorcycles. The numbers and colours will help track movement within the selected zones in which they are supposed to operate. Putting numbers on all sides of commuter taxis was a successfully tactic that government could revisit with ‘Boda boda’ cyclists. Any regulation on their hours of operation will be unacceptable since people move due to emergencies at any time of the day and ‘Boda bodas’ may be the only available means.
The task of effective management of ‘Boda boda’ sector starts with their own legitimate leadership. Government   should help organize ‘Boda boda’ leadership elections at all levels countrywide.
PR & organisational diagnosis specialist

Movie review: Addicted

Movie review: Addicted

This is a great black American movie. The Movie is about a married woman of two children struggling with sex addiction. She just wants more. Having sex three times a day is not enough. She starts cheating with two men to get satisfaction.Sex addiction is not something you smoke but it’s a real problem. Let’s face it, we are all tempted everyday but it’s about self control. Movie portrays the side effects of pornography and sex toys. The woman stops cheating when one of the other men gets violent as she tries to end the affair. Movie shines different perspective on how women battle sex addiction. She gets into rehab with support of her Husband. It is a late 2014 movie that is already in cinemas.

Ivan N Baliboola


Fake it till you make it.

Fake it till you make it.

Fake it till you get it. Decree and it shall happen. (Job 22:28). What you decide on will be done, and light will shine on your ways .The power is yours. State your case and write out the conditions regarding your finance, home, career, family, life, and all that concern you. Darkness does not mix with light. Speak the solution not the problem.

Get serious with life. God lost his only son and Jewish carpenter just for you to be happy. If no radio has invited you, invite yourself. Sing in front of your mirror. Sometimes you face rejection and failure because you are not ready. Do not give up but practice. Building a house starts with reading real estate literature. You will succeed in whatever you choose to do, and light will shine on the road ahead of you.

Men please do not leave faking to women alone.

If this post did not make sense to you then it was not meant for you.

Ivan N Baliboola





Monday, 6 April 2015

April 2015 is a month of a fresh start.

April will bring a new chapter in your life. It is a season of abundance, joy, happiness and increase. Its time you revisit your New Year resolutions because April is the first month of the year to you. Bible refers to it as the first month of the year according to Exodus 12:2. A car can not move without turning on the engine. Forget the mess of the past three months. You will have the four witnesses of God on earth which are miracles, wonders, signs and the gifts of the Holy Spirit according to Hebrews 2:4.April is the fourth month of the year. The fourth Commandment is to remember and keep God's holy Sabbath day (Exodus 20:9 - 11). Pray more this month. Seek God.

Happy new month
