Tuesday, 3 February 2015

Your doctor should know about your health resolutions.

New year’s health resolutions are easy to make but tough to implement. If you treat health resolutions as wish lists then you will never have results. Your doctor should be involved in making your health resolutions from the start to be successful. You can not plan, start, and measure progress of health resolutions based on what other people want or what society wants. Some health activities may not be safe for you hence the need to check with your doctor first.

It is advisable to decide on your health resolutions after a general body check-up. Resolutions must also be specific. The results from the general body medical check-up are crucial in setting achievable health targets of .The general body check-up comes with the advantage of having an idea of your current health state and discussing with your doctor on how to proceed with your health in the new year.

Have strategies for success. Ensure resources are available to successfully implement the resolutions for example buy jogging shoes and get gym membership. Make your doctor part of the monitoring system by scheduling one or more follow-up appointments along the way. You could ask a loved to help you track your progress. There are many smart phone apps and other digital gadgets available for tracking weight loss and fitness. Ensure that your health resolutions are on daily “to-do list” and make them a priority.





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