Have you ever bought gas and later on realize you were cheated. Have you ever bought cooking gas cylinder that leaks. Cooking Gas leaking cylinder is will not only run out fast but it pause safety concerns. Gas cylinder may be bought leaking or the faulty old gas appliances may cause leaking An accumulation of gas can destroy a building if it finds a source of ignition. Something as simple as turning on a light switch can cause the explosion.
Below are the tips that you can use to detect leaking gas.
1. Observation method. Try lifting the cylinder to confirm if it is heavy before you buy
2. Weighing scale. . Some gas suppliers will weight it before they give it to you.
Go the extra mile of asking a supermarket or petrol station attendant to help you measure the refilled cylinder. Cooking gas cylinders are graded in kilograms. Make sure that what you are buying measures up to what is exactly labeled on the cylinder.
3. Seal. Look out for the seal on the cylinder. Most gas cylinders have seals.
4. Try lighting a fire. Try lighting a fire without turning on the gas. If it catches fire then the cylinder leaks. Contact the supplier for help.
5. Smell. If Gas smells without turning it on then you it may be leaking.
Contact the gas company if you suspect a gas leak. Use an experienced repair person to fix the leak. Getting a receipt for any gas purchase is the most important thing you should never forget. This will be helpful when you experience quality challenges such as gas leaks. If there is any uncertainty about how severe the gas leak is, get all people out of the house and call for help.
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