Friday, 1 March 2013


AAR Kabalagala Health Centre held a medical booth at Uchumi Supermarket Kabalagala on February 16, 2013. The AAR team was led by Kabalagala's Health Centre Manager  Humphrey Asiimwe.  Over 300 shoppers visited the AAR tent. Activities carried out included: free BMI Tests, BP check up, general checkups, HIV testing, health promotion fliers, and de-worming.

AAR Kabalagala organized the medical booth with support from UHMG and Uchumi.Such AAR activities are meant to give back to communities which is in line with the company's core value of Caring. Core values are pillars in every decision and action we make as AAR. These values are not cosmetic. These values give us in AAR, means of  not only guiding but also evaluating our operations, our future planning and especially as anchors to make a difference to the way we, the staff who are the core to the company, do business and conduct our work on a daily basis.


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