Tuesday, 17 January 2017


Uganda is one of the countries with highest rates of the meningitis


Disease and also one of the 26

countries that lie within the

extended meningitis

belt of Sub-Saharan Africa, stretching from Senegal

in the West to Ethiopia in the East. In Uganda, the most susceptible regions include West Nile, parts

of Bunyoro, Acholi and Lango regions, Teso and Karamoja.

Though  treatable,  the disease  can  best be prevented through  immunisation.

The  Ministry of  Health

with  support  from  World  Health  Organisation  (WHO)  and  partners  have  planned  to  conduct  free

Mass Immunization Campaign in the high risk 39 districts in Uganda to prevent any outbreak starting

on 19

January to 23

January 2017 for all persons aged between 1 year and 29 years.


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The  areas  in  which this  immunisation  exercise  will  be  carried  out    for  the  next  two  weeks  will  be;

Arua,  Zombo,  Koboko,  Adjumani,  Nebbi,  Maracha,  Moyo,  Yumbe,  Gulu,  Amuru,  Kitgum,  Lamwo,

Nwoya,  Pader,  Agago,  Omoro,  Dokolo, Lira, Alebtong,  Kole,  Otuke,  Amolatar,  Apac,  Oyam,  Hoima,

Masindi, Buliisa, Kiryadongo, Amuria, Kaberamaido, Katakwi, Soroti, Abim, Amudat, Kaabong, Kotido,

Moroto, Nakapiripiriti, and Napak.

The immunisation campaign will officially be launched in Omoro district at Lalogi Grounds on Tuesday


January, with the Minister of Health expected to be the Chief Guest. The Ministry of Health and


partners have deployed Medical personnel across the affected districts to oversee the success of the

immunisation  exercise.  All  persons  and  care givers  are  advised  to  go to  the nearest  health  centres

and other outreach immunisation posts in their districts for the the free vaccine.  The vaccine is safe

and  effective  and  has  been  approved  by  the  World  Health  Organisation.  The  vaccine  will  be

administered by a trained health worker using a single injection on the upper arm.

What is Meningitis A?

Meningitis A is a bacterial infection.

According to the World Health Organization;

The  disease  mainly affects young  people  between  ages  1–30,  occurring  sporadically  and in small outbreaks  worldwide,

except in the African Meningitis Belt where large outbreaks are common. Meningitis cases typically present with stiff neck,

high fever,  and  sensitivity  to  light,  confusion,  headaches  and  vomiting.  Even  when  the  disease  is  diagnosed  early  and

adequate treatment is started, 5% to 10% of patients die, typically within 24 to 48 hours after the onset of symptoms. Left

untreated, up to  50% of cases may  die. Bacterial meningitis may also result in brain damage, hearing loss or a learning

disability in 10% to 20% of survivors


For more information, please contact:

The Ag. Assistant Commissioner- HEALTH PROMOTION

Tabley Bakyaita


0772 521228


PR & Organisational diagnosis specialist
Twitter: @mediasurgeon


