Friday, 23 November 2012

Get love,Jobs,career breakthrough at the MTN Marathon.

Getting the  best out of the MTN Marathon.Is your goal to get love, friends, a job, sales, or new business leads? Do business; fall in love, Network your way to career progress this Sunday as you participate in MTN Kampala Marathon. You may actually be wondering how possible this is.
  • Be friendly.  That friendly type who is a conversation starter.
  • Be a nice critic. Look out for weird open bags, loose shoe ring and notify the target.
  • Be a photographer .Carry a camera or any gadget with a camera. Ensure that u take nice pictures. Tell them you are not a photographer but you can take and may be email. You have just helped your new boss, fiance and met a new business partner.
  • Carry  business cards.
  • You could opt to talk like   a mad cow  to whoever you see. Talk to them about whatever you want
  • Dress smartly so that someone will ask you where you bought your outfit and running shoes.

Get love,friends,career growth@ MTN Marathon

Getting best out of the MTN Marathon.Is your goal to get love, friends, a job, sales, or new business leads? Do business; fall in love, Network your way to career progress this Sunday as you participate in MTN Kampala Marathon. You may actually be wondering how possible this is.
  • Be friendly.  That Friendly type who is a conversation starter.
  • Be a nice critic. Look out for weird open bags, loose shoe ring and notify the target.
  • Be a photographer .Carry a camera or any gadget with a camera. Ensure that u take nice pictures. Tell them you are not a photographer but you can take and may be mail. You have just helped your new boss, fiancĂ© and met a new business partner.
  • Carry   business cards. Carry lost of them.
  • You could opt to talk like a mad whoever you see. Talk to them about whatever you want
  • Dress smartly so that someone will ask you where you bought your outfit and running shoes.

Tuesday, 28 February 2012

A woman was created from a man's rib(Adam).
Not from his feet 2 be walked on,
Not from his head 2 be superior over,
But from his side to be equal,
Under the arm to be protected,
andNext to the heart to be loved…


Wednesday, 11 January 2012

PR insight on the Kampala traders stike.

PR thought on Traders strike-B.O.U quick response sparked off a crisis .B.O.U should have waited to take a stand as it buys time. Traders wanted hope that there is something Bou can do even if in reality it's impossible. B.O.U could even divert atten
