Tuesday, 24 May 2011

Lessons from the walk to work campaign (Activists for change) A4C

Lessons from the walk to work campaign (Activists for change) A4C

Activists for change started a campaign of walk to work   over the rising prices of essential goods like fuel in Uganda. They called upon all Ugandans to walk every Monday and Thursday till the government did something about inflation. The campaign has since been characterized by riots and brutal acts of security agents in trying to calm the situations.


  • Campaign has gotten international and local attention.
  • Got the goodwill of the people
  • It has united the opposition which   has always been disunited.
  • Overwhelming People support without buying them to support the chief walkers.
  • Exposed unprofessionalism within Ugandan security agencies .One wonders why there is chaos even when  high ranking officers  are in command
  • Arrests and other acts by the security organs paint a bad image about our  Rule of law, constitutionalism   and the independence of the judiciary.
  • The civil society of Uganda is still weak. Apart from the Uganda law society and Inter -religious council which condemns all brutal acts of the police and lack of respect for the rule of law.
  • Role  of the media in protection of human rights  and democracy
  • All the reactions by the government to the Walk to Work campaign showed that Uganda is not ready for multiparty Politics. It still operates like the movement system.
  • Government has failed to give hope to the citizens. It has only created fear and violence. The Activists for change have some hope to the masses.




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